Details related to students for extraordinary school holiday

Briefing on 10, November 2020.

Rector’s Order No. 3/2020 (November 10, 2020)

Regarding extraordinary school holiday

in force as of: 10 November, 2020

Measurements and regulations repealed at the time of entry into force: -


  • technical compliance:   Rector’s Office
  • legal compliance:         Directorate of Legal Affairs 

Responsible:    Dr. Péter Bihari, Director for Academic Affairs

Publisher:        Dr. János Józsa, Rector

Considering the Government Decree No. 478/2020. (XI. 3.) declaring state of emergency, and on the basis of the authorization provided by Section 1.12 of the measures prescribed by “Sectorial recommendation on the organization of higher education during the state of emergency” announced on November 6, 2020 by the responsible Ministry of Innovation and Technology, and in accordance with the regulation concerning my scope of duties pursuant to (1)-(2) of Section 13 of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education, I hereby publish the following order to enhance the necessary epidemiological protection measures and convert to distance education work order:

  1.  Objective and scope
  1. This order establishes regulations of educational work, including preparation for effective distance education work order.
  1. This order applies
  1. to any person with a student’s legal status with the University (hereafter “students”)
  2. to any person with ceased student’s legal status, with current administrative issues regarding their former student’s status (“former students”)
  3. to any organizational unit, instructor, researcher and professor or person with teaching and education management duties (“instructor”).


  1. Provisions regarding organization of educational work
  1. In form of extraordinary break ordered by the Rector, all types of educational activities are suspended at all levels and forms of training on 11 and 13 November, 2020.
  2. Educational activities planned for the holiday periods indicated in (1) are not subjects to retakes.
  3. Assessments of academic achievements planned for the holiday periods indicated in (1) can be conducted later, taken that students are informed at least 5 working days prior to the retake date and ensuring that other assessment activities are not planned for that time.
  4. Due dates of formative assessments in accordance to (1/b) of Section 109 of the Code of Studies (e.g. home work submissions), originally planned for the days indicated in (1) are to be extended by 5 working days.


  1.  Closing provisions
  1. This measure shall enter into force on November 10, 2020. and shall expire on January 31, 2021.
  2. This order is supervised by the Rector’s Office.
  3. This order is published on the website of BME (, at “New information on the coronavirus”, also on the website of the Rector’s Office:


Budapest,10 November, 2020.                                                                                                             

                                                                                                     Dr. János Józsa



Rector’s Order No. 3/2020 (November 10, 2020)