Quality assurance
The quality policy system of BME is based on the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) in accordance with legal requirements and international expectations, and the structure set by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).
The Quality Policy Mission Statement is a strategic document expressing BME's quality policy objectives and commitment to quality.

The aim of quality management at the university is to strengthen and further develop conditions for quality-oriented operations, both at organisational and individual level. In operating a quality management system, particular attention should be paid to the following principles:
ensuring the widest possible participation of stakeholders,
ensuring knowledge transfer between different organizational units of the university,
data-based decision-making,
regular review and evaluation of processes and the system as a whole (PDCA cycle),
identifying both short- and long-term planning elements.
BME's quality management system is based on the Standards and Guidelines in the European Higher Education Area (hereinafter: ESG) in the structure of and in relation to it. The operation of the system is set out in the Quality Management Code.
The self-evaluation report prepared as part of the MAB institutional accreditation process was approved by the Senate by decision IX./2./2021-2022.
For more information on quality management at the University, please contact Dr. Éva Verderber, Quality Management administrator expert at the Department of Academic Affairs for Education (mailto:verderber.eva@bme.hu).
- Dr. Péter Bihari, Vice-Rector for Education, Chair of the Committee
- Dr. Nauzika Kovács, Deputy Dean for Education, Faculty of Civil Engineering
- Dr. Blanka Tóth, Deputy Dean for Education, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
- Dr. Gábor Györke, Deputy Dean for Education, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Dr. Emma Lógó, Deputy Dean for Education, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences
- Dr. Ferenc Mészáros, Deputy Dean for Education, Faculty of Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering
- Dr. László Sujbert, Deputy Dean for Education, Faculty of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
- Dr. Anikó Pluzsik, Deputy Dean for Education, Faculty of Civil Engineering
- Dr. István Prok, Deputy Dean for Education, Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Ádám Garbai, Directorate of Sales and Services, the Chancellor's delegate
- Dr. László Gergely Vígh, Director, Directorate of Foreign Language Education, the Rector's delegate
- Erika Pál, Director, Central Academic Office
- Dr. Tamás Lovas, authorized quality delegate, Faculty of Architecture
- Dr. Evelin Bell, authorized quality delegate, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
- Dr. Csaba Hős, authorized quality delegate, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Dr. Mária Szalmáné Csete, authorized quality delegate, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences
- Dr. Csaba Csiszár, authorized quality delegate, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering
- Dr. Tamás Barbarics, authorized quality delegate, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
- Dr. Johanna Pék, authorized quality delegate, Faculty of Civil Engineering
- to be delegated, authorized quality delegate, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Permanent guests:
- Dr. László Nyulászi, President, Habilitation Committee and Doctoral Council
- Ádám Szebeny, Deputy Director, Central Academic Office
- Dr. Katalin Dr. Bojtárné Bagi, President, Talent Support Council
Meetings and main agendas:
27 September 2022 - inaugural meeting
23 May 2023 - situation review - SWOT analysis
11 July 2023 - situation review - ESG standards mapping
28 November 2023 - Discussion of the institutional accreditation action plan
30 January 2024 - Discussion of the Quality Improvement Programme 2024
5 March 2024 - preparation of the teacher competency profile
26 March 2024 - psychological profiles of students
7 May 2024 - presentation of the MAB integrated institutional accreditation tool