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About us

Rector's greeting

Czigány Tibor

Dear Reader, Dear Visitor!

Welcome to our website, the portal of the number one technical higher education institution in Hungary.

The history of BME dates back to 1782, when its predecessor was founded under the name Institutum Geometrico-Hydrotechnicum. Almost a quarter of a millennium has passed since then, and BME has become the cradle of Hungarian technical and economic intellectuals. An institution that defined the history of our country in the 20th century during the events of 1956, and which gave the world Nobel Prize winning scientists and unparalleled inventions.


Those who study with us will be able to meet the challenges of the future

BME is still Hungary's leading training institution. The research, development and educational activity here is of national economic importance. The university has 8 faculties and 76 departments, with around 1,200 lecturers teaching 5,000 subjects and 10,000 courses each term. This is where the engineers, economic and science professionals who will shape the present and future of Hungary's leading companies, and who will keep pace with technological developments to find solutions to the challenges of the future, study.

At BME all areas of science go hand in hand

We train professionals and future leaders who are able to take a systemic approach to processes, and in addition to a strong scientific bachelor training programme, we provide them with economic skills and the latest specialist knowledge. In Hungary, we are a unique institution, where economics and social sciences go hand in hand with trainings in technical and natural sciences, and our students prepare for their careers in an environment where these areas cooperate organically. When it comes to our training programmes, we also keep up to date with the needs of the labour market and companies.

Our students are the most talented ones

BME is among the first in the Hungarian higher education rankings in terms of the number of applicants who denote the institution as their first choice, the average of the scores of those admitted, the percentage of those admitted with language exams and the number of lecturers with academic degrees. BME is also the most popular among those who chose engineering as their first choice when applying for admission. Most MSc students regularly gain admission to BME during the mid-term admission period.

We open the door to the world

BME also ranks in the top 2-6 % of the world's universities internationally. Our trainings open doors to the world, to leading universities abroad, and we welcome those who would like to study with us with open arms. At BME, one in ten students are foreigners, coming from all over the world to study in foreign language training programmes. Students can participate in part-time trainings and double degree programmes in more than 70 countries.


For 240 years, our mission has been to nurture and enrich the country's cutting-edge knowledge in engineering, economics and science, and to pass it on to young people who have placed their trust in us and chosen to study at BME. 


Tibor Czigány


Facts and figures about BME

Every year we publish our Facts and Figures publication. It reports on the University's activities in the fields of training, research and development, innovation, joint projects with industrial partners, scientific endeavours, international relations and talent management, in terms of figures, statistics and time series. Our excellence is proven by years of objective metrics, tangible results and factual data.

We recommend our publication to those interested in training programmes offered by BME, as well as to current students who would like to spend a term as scholarship holders at one of our partner institutions abroad. In the hope of closer cooperation in the future, we also recommend this compilation to our existing and prospective partners, decision-makers, the economic community and academia. 

Tények és adatok 2023
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2020 Tények és adatok
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