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BME Choir prepares for Turkish-Hungarian bilingual concert
2024. 09. 19.
The choir is to perform in the garden of the Gül Baba Türbe on 28 September. We spoke to a member during the rehearsal period.
We asked Margareta Baumgärtner, a fourth semester MSc student in health engineering, why it is fun to sing in the BME Choir.
How long have you been a member of the BME Choir? Did you sing in a choir before?
I've been a member of the choir since the beginning of my studies at the university in February 2023. However, my choir career goes back much further than that, I've been engaged in singing since primary school.

How did you find out about the choir and why did you apply?
Singing in a choir has long been a favourite pastime of mine, so when I moved to Budapest I specifically looked for a place where I could pursue it. After I found out about the choir through the internet, it was a natural choice to join it.
What does singing together mean to you?
For me, singing together is mainly a way to relax and get away from my everyday life. At the same time, there's always the excitement of learning and performing the current pieces well. And a successful performance is always followed by a sense of triumph and pride that we have accomplished another challenge together.
How important is the diversity of the repertoire?
Our choirmaster gives us the opportunity to perform a wide variety of genres. I think we need this variety, and our audience also needs it, to keep us interesting. In the spring, we performed in the Gül Baba Türbe, where we also performed a Turkish song in the original language. The gesture was much appreciated by the Turkish audience listening to the concert. For me, this is the meaning of diversity: an opportunity to connect with other people and learn about other cultures.
How do you find time for the rehearsals and concerts amid your university studies?
Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings, they have never clashed with my timetable in any of my semesters so far - it wouldn't be a good time to study anyway. Some of the concerts do clash with classes, but I've never had a problem missing one because of my university commitments.
Why would you recommend the BME Choir to people who love to sing?
Our choir is a very diverse community, we have young people and people who have been here for decades. Perhaps that's why we easily accept anyone who loves to sing. And for those who are also BME students, where else can they sing but in the university's own choir?
What was your most memorable experience with the choir?
Last December, we performed Zoltán Kodály's Psalmus Hungaricus with the BME Symphony Orchestra and several other choirs. It was a special experience to perform it with a soloist, so many singers and musicians, and despite the initial difficulties, I really loved the piece.

Although they come from different faculties and professions, the members are united by their love of music and singing, that's why strong friendships are born here - added Katalin Máté, President of the BME Choir Society. "Györgyi Vida, who has been the choir's master for decades, directs us with heart and soul and great patience. In this community, everyone can find what relaxes them the most - some people just want to spend their Thursday evenings in a meaningful way, others want to prepare for concerts."

The next performance, titled "Songs of the End of Summer", will take place in the garden of the Gül Baba-türbe (14 Mecset Street) on 28 September. At this impressive venue, the choir will perform Hungarian folk song arrangements by Emil Petrovics, Lajos Bárdos and István Dobray, among others. "If you would like to sing with us, you can join us for this event - depending on your singing ability - but we also welcome those who are looking for a Saturday afternoon programme or would like to come and see us before signing up. More information can be found about us on our website and Facebook page," said Katalin Máté.