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More than 600 new foreign students were given the task: make Hungarian friends this year
2024. 10. 04.
The opening ceremony of the BME international academic year was held at the beginning of October.
Almost exactly one month after the opening of the academic year on August 30, the BME also held the international opening on October 2, with the participation of hundreds of newly enrolled students. The academic year 2024-25 will start with 665 foreign students who came from 80 different countries, most of them from Turkey (63), Pakistan (39), China (38), Bangladesh (38), Jordan (32), Kazakhstan (30) and from Tunisia (30).

The ceremony was opened by International Vice Rector András Nemeslaki. In his speech, he encouraged the students to adopt an attitude of inquiry: ask questions, seek answers, and never shy away from challenging assumptions. “The world is evolving rapidly, and the skills developed here will be key to navigating the complexities of tomorrow. (…) Remember that education is not only about acquiring knowledge, but also about developing critical thinking, fostering creativity and becoming a problem solver.”
The vice-chancellor encouraged the newly admitted to explore the extracurricular activities the university has to offer, from student organizations to events, because the opportunities will help them form lifelong relationships. "I challenge each of you to make at least two Hungarian friends this year," he added.

Vince Balázs Nagy, associate professor of the Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Mechanical Informatics, president of the European Society of Engineers (SEFI), chairman of the board of directors of the EELISA university association, also spoke at the ceremony. He said he couldn't promise anyone that the journey would be easy, but promised that those who were motivated would gain a lot of knowledge and experience along the way - something they can build on in their life. He encouraged the students to go abroad with the help of the EELISA program in order to make not only Hungarian but also foreign friends.

Thereafter came the solemn pledge, which was read by Zsolt Lesetár, coordinator of the Directorate of International Relations. Then, on behalf of those who took the pledge, Camila Liliana Correa, Ecuadorean Master's student at the Faculty of Architecture, reminded her peers that challenges are not obstacles, but opportunities, and added that she hoped that during the years spent here, they would all gather international experience while becoming true members of the community.

On behalf of the Student Union, Dóra Baranyai greeted the international students. He spoke of the power of community, the importance of innovation, and said he was confident that together they could create an environment in which all of them could feel at home.

Ákos Németh, head of the Sales and Services Directorate, and Gergely László Vígh, Director of International Education, were also present at the opening. The faculties were represented by: Associate Professor Olivér Fenyvesi (Faculty of Civil Engineering), Deputy Dean Csaba Hős (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), Deputy Dean Ágnes Balogh (Faculty of Architectural Engineering), Professor Zoltán Hell (Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering), Deputy Dean Eszter Gerhátné Udvary (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology), Deputy Dean Ádám Török (Faculty of Traffic Engineering and Vehicle Engineering), Deputy Dean István Prok (Faculty of Natural Sciences), Deputy Dean Mária Szalmáné (Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences).

Eszter Mozsár, the Rector's personal secretary, acted as moderator.
Our photos from the event are available here.
Rector's Office, Communications Directorate